Are you an introvert/extrovert/ambivert? Do you know the difference? Does your personality follow the description to the letter? 

Recently, I found a video posted by a friend that described 10 traits among Ambiverts in terms of friendships. Knowing that a website classified me as an ambivert, it got me thinking – does the world have an obsession with organizing everything? 

Everyone’s different, we all know that, even twins (and controversial clones). And yet, science has found many ways to classify each individual – hair colour, interests, frequency of socializing (or lack of), ethnic background, etc. While it does provide a feeling of belonging in a group of people with similar traits, I find it creates a pressure to either follow the description, fit into the template closel or risk the possibility of being alienated from the rest. 

In the video that I mentioned before, it said that Ambiverts can change according to the environment and who they’re with (ie. they go with the flow). It made me think of an old friend who I had just met after not seeing him for a month. I was busy talking with another friend (Tyla) and I briefly introduced the two of them. My guy friend (who I don’t want to mention for the offchanve that he reads this) talked with me and joked about some old times before leaving for the day. 

Tyla, after having spoken to my guy friend for two minutes, told me that she obviously saw that he has a crush on me. What?!

(Excuse me while I freak out for a second). Both Tyla and I are ambiverts, so we’re used to by contacting each other for a long time, but what would that kind of trait mean for a couple? 

That’s where I want to trail off to in this post – how do you think the traits of introvert/extrovert/ambivert affect relationships? Depending on what sites you look at, introverts are usually described as a quiet listener while an extrovert is described as a doer more than a thinking. An Ambivert is someone who shifts from one to the other. 

While thinking about how these descriptions can affect your outlook (or inlook), remember this – science facts like these are based on controlled environment with willing individuals – what might have been accurate 10 years ago might not be valid today. 

Some sites say that everyone fits on the scale, somewhere between completely introverted or completely extroverted. As The Doctor, I would say it’s more like a wibbly-wobbly timely wimey … thing (ie. it’s a lot more than that).